Yoga Therapy
Yoga Therapy is a broad term for a range of approaches for healing the body and the mind from the inside out.
Yoga Therapy will help you by:-
Rapidly advancing the healing process
Unraveling deep seated layers of tension in
the body AND the mind -
Alleviating pain –whatever the cause
Enhance your awareness on all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual

From a Yogic perspective, pain is the body's way of letting you know that you are in some way separate from yourself.
Yoga therapy is a gentle way to guide you back though pain, stress or tension into your body and your being.
You can choose from a range of therapies to navigate through any pain physical or emotional you may be experiencing.
When you sign up for a session or a series of sessions Amanda will create a personal plan for your recovery.
Just as you lean into your physical tensions and soften through a Vichara session, you explore the tension in your mind and have a wonderful opportunity to let go of outmoded beliefs, thoughts, opinions and identities that may no longer serve you on your path to creating your life that really matters to you.
Amanda will ask a series of questions which you answer for yourself.
The result is a restful centredness where you access your boundless inner wisdom.

Embodyment®Yoga Therapy is a one-on-one healing therapy based on the principles of yoga. Using touch the Embodyment® Therapist brings awareness to key areas of your spine, those areas which are tightest. It is a gentle, yet powerful way of releasing tensions in those areas to facilitate deep changes in your body and mind.
The effects of one Embodyment® session are equivalent to the results you receive from 5 or 6 Yoga classes.
How often should I have a treatment?
A single Embodyment® session will often help people find a shift in their body tensions or in their mind. Like ‘removing a blockage’
Regular Sessions
Sessions whether weekly, fortnightly or monthly will help you to deepen your yoga practice and accelerate the process of release. Whether you are Svaroopa® student or not, Embodyment® will greatly enhance your awareness of your own body and mind, unravel deep seated layers of tension and become a vehicle for personal healing and transformation.
Overlap Healing
Is an intensive period of Embodyment® Therapy, usually between 15 and 30 sessions. Whilst Embodyment® at any level enlivens your own natural healing response the intensive experience of the overlap method is profoundly healing on all levels- body, mind, and spirit. This is truly life changing, especially if you have been stuck in cycle of sickness or stagnation.
Transformational Body Dialogue is a deeply nurturing and releasing interaction with parts of your body that are experiencing stress, pain or tension. This wonderful process assists you into a state of deep self acceptance. It helps release old patterns locked in the body and to integrate changes into your whole being.